Delivering wide-ranging health care benefits for small businesses.

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To speak with a Health Net representative, call
1 (833) 810-3192 (TTY: 711)
Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
except holidays.

Why Health Net?

At Health Net, we believe every person deserves a safety net for their health – regardless of age, income, employment status, or current state of health. We'll provide the support, information and tools you need, as a small business group employer, to make the right health care choices for you and your employees.

Affordable plans with valued benefits

Count on us to help keep you and your employees covered throughout life’s journeys. You can choose from a wide range of plans that cater to member needs:

  • Medical coverage, including primary care physician visits
  • Heal – doctor visits to the home, office or hotel1
  • Preventive care and wellness programs
  • 24/7 Nurse Advice Line
  • Teladoc telehealth services2
  • Vision care and dental plans

Proven leader

Health Net has provided wide-ranging health care benefits to millions of Californians for 40 years. We’re seasoned and savvy, a valued leader in health care coverage. We’re here to help you and your employees make the most of your health coverage choices for every stage of life!